Concept and realization: Shahin Charmi, Patricia Bolf-Charmi, since 2014
The culture and society portal GAARDIAN is designed for the district Gaarden of Kiel. Locally relevant information of the numerous district-specific institutions and initiatives that deal with the social, cultural and collective needs of a intercultural community life is communicated to the public and made easily accessible. Through the use of creative means and actions with current references to the location, new means of communication are sought in order to thematise district-related contents of social and cultural interests. In addition to editorial contributions to current information, the portal also contains a extensive archive of local history. Another aspect is the visualization of the multi-layered potential and the networking of the actors in the district.
GAARDIAN acts in support of a social togetherness and community of all nations and cultures.
Gaardian | culture and society portal: