S H A H I N     C H A R M I
i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y   a r t

Shahin Charmi, born in Iran in 1953, is based in the interdisciplinary art. Since the 1980s, he realizes his works with the artistic media of computer and video art, performance and action, painting, photography and not least the net art. In his work he reflects cultural-historical and current, social and ecological development aspects.

In Charmi's works, constellations manifest themselves from the media communication and information machinery, at the same time they are references and relics of the technological achievements of those periods. A formal attribute of his work is the repetition and reproduction of sequences, whose transmedial consensus he makes multi-layered visible. A component of these intermedial works are printographies, which he derives from the ornaments of the Ancient Orient and creates new contexts through media-reflected contents. Through the "aesthetic peace" inherent in Charmi's works, one reaches the deep layers of our social structure, wich fragments are captured in processual operations and merged into "holistic" installations in physical, virtual and social spaces.

Charmi's works have been presented in national and international festivals and exhibitions (selection): ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe(DE), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (CAN), retrospective "40 Jahre BBK Schleswig-Holstein“, Videonale Bonn, Schleswig-Holstein State Museum, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, etc. In 1990 Charmi received the first prize of the international computer art competition "Goldener Plotter", Museum Gladbeck (Germany) for the work "Dissolution 1". From 1987 to 1989, he led the project "Gestaltung der öffentlichen Fassaden", in which he realized the monumental mural painting "Revolution and War" on the facade of a former military bunker (Iltisbunker) in Kiel, Germany. From 2008 to 2011 he produced stage projections for several plays by director Pari Saberi in Iran (performed in Tehran (IR), Konya (TUR) Duschanbe (TJK) and at the international theater festival Fadjr, Tehran (IR) and at the festival Calendidonna, Udine (ITA)).

Charmi studied at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts in Kiel. In addition to his artistic activities, he completed an pedagogical education at the „Waldorflehrer-Seminar“ in Kiel and taught occasionally art at the Free Waldorf School in Kiel, Germany and Linz, Austria.

Anthology, Aommemorative, ZKM | Karlsruhe. Die Anfänge der Zukunft, 2014 Exhibition catalog, Computer art 2000, Gladbeck, 2000
Exhibition catalog, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum,1999
Amiga Magazin, 1996
Exhibition catalog, 40 Jahre BBK, Städtische Galerie, Kiel, 1993
Exhibition catalog, Städtische Galerie, Kiel, 1993
Exhibition catalog, 39.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1992
Exhibition catalog, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 1991
Exhibition catalog, 38.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1991
Exhibition catalog, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum,1991
Exhibition catalog, Videoforum, Freiburg, 1990
Exhibition catalog, 37.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1990
Exhibition catalog, Computerkunst, Gladbeck, 1990
Exhibition catalog, 36.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Schleswig-Holsteini Kunstnikud, Tallin, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Musee D,Art Contemporian de Montreal, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Videoforum, Freiburg, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Videonale, Bonn 1988
Exhibition catalog, 35.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1988
Exhibition catalog, Computerkunst, Gladbeck, 1988
Video catalog, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, 1988
CQ-CU Zeitschrift für Kunst und Computer, 1988
Dissolvation "Auflösung", Art book, Kiel, 1988
Exhibition catalog, Vista "Aussichten", Flensburg, 1987

S H A H I N     C H A R M I
i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y   a r t
Shahin Charmi, born in Iran in 1953, is based in the interdisciplinary art. Since the 1980s, he realizes his works with the artistic media of computer and video art, performance and action, painting, photography and not least the net art. In his work he reflects cultural-historical and current, social and ecological development aspects.

In Charmi's works, constellations manifest themselves from the media communication and information machinery, at the same time they are references and relics of the technological achievements of those periods. A formal attribute of his work is the repetition and reproduction of sequences, whose transmedial consensus he makes multi-layered visible. A component of these intermedial works are printographies, which he derives from the ornaments of the Ancient Orient and creates new contexts through media-reflected contents. Through the "aesthetic peace" inherent in Charmi's works, one reaches the deep layers of our social structure, wich fragments are captured in processual operations and merged into "holistic" installations in physical, virtual and social spaces.

Charmi's works have been presented in national and international festivals and exhibitions (selection): ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe(DE), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (CAN), retrospective "40 Jahre BBK Schleswig-Holstein“, Videonale Bonn, Schleswig-Holstein State Museum, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, etc. In 1990 Charmi received the first prize of the international computer art competition "Goldener Plotter", Museum Gladbeck (Germany) for the work "Dissolution 1". From 1987 to 1989, he led the project "Gestaltung der öffentlichen Fassaden", in which he realized the monumental mural painting "Revolution and War" on the facade of a former military bunker (Iltisbunker) in Kiel, Germany. From 2008 to 2011 he produced stage projections for several plays by director Pari Saberi in Iran (performed in Tehran (IR), Konya (TUR) Duschanbe (TJK) and at the international theater festival Fadjr, Tehran (IR) and at the festival Calendidonna, Udine (ITA)).

Charmi studied at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts in Kiel. In addition to his artistic activities, he completed an pedagogical education at the „Waldorflehrer-Seminar“ in Kiel and taught occasionally art at the Free Waldorf School in Kiel, Germany and Linz, Austria.

Anthology, Aommemorative, ZKM | Karlsruhe. Die Anfänge der Zukunft, 2014 Exhibition catalog, Computer art 2000, Gladbeck, 2000
Exhibition catalog, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum,1999
Amiga Magazin, 1996
Exhibition catalog, 40 Jahre BBK, Städtische Galerie, Kiel, 1993
Exhibition catalog, Städtische Galerie, Kiel, 1993
Exhibition catalog, 39.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1992
Exhibition catalog, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 1991
Exhibition catalog, 38.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1991
Exhibition catalog, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum,1991
Exhibition catalog, Videoforum, Freiburg, 1990
Exhibition catalog, 37.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1990
Exhibition catalog, Computerkunst, Gladbeck, 1990
Exhibition catalog, 36.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Schleswig-Holsteini Kunstnikud, Tallin, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Musee D,Art Contemporian de Montreal, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Videoforum, Freiburg, 1989
Exhibition catalog, Videonale, Bonn 1988
Exhibition catalog, 35.Landesschau, Schleswig-Holstein, 1988
Exhibition catalog, Computerkunst, Gladbeck, 1988
Video catalog, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, 1988
CQ-CU Zeitschrift für Kunst und Computer, 1988
Dissolvation "Auflösung", Art book, Kiel, 1988
Exhibition catalog, Vista "Aussichten", Flensburg, 1987